Max Brick and Tom Daley made the mens syncronised final on the 10m platform today finishing 10th, the chinese pairing as always finished their prelim round in 1st so all the finalists will be trailing the chinese into the final, Tom and Max did good but not great the syncro was nice but Max's entrys were a bit off after a couple of rounds, Tom had a bit of a splashy entry in the 2nd or 3rd round either all then he had his entrys spot on through out the rest of the compotition, the entrys going into the water is ment to have no splash at all this is called a rip entry because when they enter the water it sounds like someone has ripped a sheet of paper and the divers don't have to wait to see the replays to see if they did a rip entry because when they do it the water sorts off pulles the diver deeper into the water and the audience and the judges shouldn't be able to see the diver when it does a rip entry they get extra marks for doing a rip entry :) When Tom returns back to Plymouth on Monday their will he a homecomming parade on that Friday for him that the council have organised, GOOD LUCK 4 TOMMOROW TOM AND MAX!!!!!!!!